Unfair Review - Help please and thank you!!

Level 1
Capitola, CA

Unfair Review - Help please and thank you!!

I wish I would have thought to reach out to the community BEFORE I sent this response.  I was so upset when this review came in, I thought her to be sneaky and so unfair!  I actually called Airbnb for feedback and support.  They reminded me that I was allowed and to respond and that she would not be able to respond again here are her comments with her 3-star review: comments: " Nice place. The bathroom is right next to the bed which makes it a bit uncomfortable. The host was uptight about us checking in a few minutes earlier. She did not appear friendly. I would not stay there again."

My Response: Shamin ~ First and foremost thank you for choosing our home and our sweet suite for your visit to Capitola. I am sorry that we did not meet your expectations. As a SUPER HOST, I work very hard to make sure that my guests get more than they came for and their experience in my home is a pleasant one. It seems that you had a different experience based on your review and comments. In an effort of keeping my SUPER HOST status and painting a clear picture for my future guest, I thought it only fair to respond to your review. I will take your comments one by one and respond accordingly. 1) Your Comment that the "Cleaning fee higher than expected." The cleaning fee is clearly stated in the listing and on your booking fees PRIOR to your booking. It was clearly stated and nothing was changed nor revealed after your stay. Not sure why you were surprised. 2) Your Comment that "The bathroom is near the bed and a bit uncomfortable". It is a studio. There are over 43 photos of the unit and it clearly shows that the bathroom is next to the sleeping area, not sure why you were surprised or uncomfortable, 3)Your comment, "The host was a bit uptight about us arriving a few minutes early" Let me make something very clear to you and to my future guests. It was not a few minutes early, it was 45 minutes early! You had just confirmed the check-in time via a text and I confirmed with you that it was 3 pm. You agreed that you would arrive by 3. I jumped in the shower after cleaning the unit for YOUR arrival (i live upstairs) and I hear a noise in the building. Imagine my surprise. I was hoping it was you, so I sent you a message on Airbnb, you did not respond. I called you, you did not answer. I text you and finally about 15 minutes later you responded with "Yes I have the keys and the door is locked and I am on the beach." You never apologized for startling me nor did you offer any explanation for arriving 45 minutes early. You must remember the safety and trust factor is a huge consideration for us host. Airbnb is a community of people, not corporations. House rules are set up for a reason. 4) Your comment that I am not friendly. I believe my SUPER HOST status, my 5-star rating and all the lovely comments by our guests would disagree with you. Other comments: You left the unit in a state that clearly stated you did not care. (I will spare details here). You checked-out without letting me know, another house rule clearly stated. AS life would have it and to your surprise, you had to come back to pick up a sweater you forgot and this is when you tell me via text how much you enjoyed your stay and what a lovely time you had and thanked me for everything (I have all your texts). Yet you leave a review such as you did. I will leave my Airbnb family to decide for themselves a fair and true analysis of your visit. My feedback to you is that you read through all the details of any future listings, that you look at all the photos, that you are clear of what you are paying for and what you think you are getting. We as hosts work very hard to provide and share our homes and all we ask is that the reviews be fair and honest. 5) Your last comment was, "I would never come back" My comment, "Thank you"  

Any comments?  Appreciate the feedback, not sure how to handle these unfair comments especially when via text she says one thing and then on a public review she says another.  Thoughts??

2 Replies 2
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

WOW...!  You know you over reacted.  While all your points may be valid, you, as a SUPER HOST, do not come off very professionally.


Breathing deep, waiting a few days, talking with friends or other hosts...all better than what you did.  You took a short, slightly negative review and added a spotlight.  You could have responded, "So sorry your expectations were not met as we do endeavor to provide a quality experience."  Period

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Indiana2  Yes, it's always best to wait a few days until you calm down to write a review or a response if it's a difficult situation. @Linda108  gave you a good example of all that was really needed. If you feel the need to say things to the guest, just do it in private feedback.

Review responses are not meant to talk to the guest directly about what they wrote, unless it's just a nice response to a good review, like "Thanks so much for staying, XX, I really enjoyed our conversations." They are used to correct lies or misconceptions the guest may have posted and are directed towards future guests, not the guest who wrote the review. So if you wanted to be a bit more detailed than what Linda wrote, you might say "This is a studio apartment and the positioning of the bathroom is quite evident in many of the photos posted in the listing."

Keep it brief and factual, not personal or defensive.