Unhappy with guests. Can I cancel their stay?

Level 1
West New York, NJ

Unhappy with guests. Can I cancel their stay?

Hi all, 
If I am unhappy with a guest due to constant excesive volume until 3-4am during weekdays can I cancel their stay?
Has anyone ever faced a similar disturbing situation? Advise please. 

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Jorge124,


Cancelling has serious implications for the host who does it.

You may be fined by Airbnb, they will also block the dates of the booking so no one else can book them and you will loose, for a year,  the possibility of becoming a superhost.


If communicating with the guest doesn't solve the problem I'd suggest contacting Airbnb.

Make sure that any communication with the guest is done through the Airbnb platform so Airbnb can see it if you contact them.



Level 5
Prague, Czech Republic

have you written in the house rules that they should be quiet after a certain time? if not, I would suggest you do and go over the house rules with each new guest. have you spoken to them directly about it in a calmly fashion? can you just wait it out? I had a guest who was pretty noisey, but luckily they only stayed for 6 days... so I tolerated it until they left and wrote about it in their review. unless they are staying for a very long time, then you should contact airbnb and maybe they can help mediate the issue and allow you to make them leave without penalty to you since they are not obeying the house rules 

Level 10
Vancouver, WA

Have you tried talking to your guest about the noise first?  Seems rash to just cancel the rest of their stay without speaking with them first and giving them to opportunity to quiet down.

Level 10
New York, NY

Get some earplugs, wait it out, and then put it in your review of them.

Level 2
Tower Hill, Australia

Yes I can relate to that. I had a guest Instant book on the day of arrival with 2 dogs (I clearly state 24 hours notice if pets are involved) and when I said he would need to bring his dogs Vaccination certificates, he successfully cancelled the booking, but I was charged $66.00 cancellation fee, taken from my next payout.