I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I ...
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I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I had a PAST reservation cancelled. The guest have already stayed. ...
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I am sure this has been asked many times before so I am so sorry to ask again. I am a new host and had a request for a booking for a week at Christmas which is our minimum stay at that time of year. The only verifications for this person were a phone number and an email. Is this enough ID? I cannot see any reviews on their profile etc If I accept do I then ask for more information and a copy of their ID. What do you do?
Sal 🙂
- Profile picture
- Phone number
- Offline ID (Passport or Driver's license)
- Onlide ID (Facebook, Gmail, or LinkedIn)
@Sal12 There are many helpful articles on the Airbnb website addressing that very question. Or you can go to the search bar at top of this CC, and type in what you are inquring about. I would like to encourage you to read the topics on ID verification as Airbnb is so thorough on these matters. For my particular listing, I REQUIRE that all guests go through 4....yes, I said 4.....not 2, but 4 vertifications in which one MUST be a government ID. (Passport or drivers lic). Decide for yourself what you want. But I can tell you that I would never accept a booking from anyone who can't be bothered to verify who they are by uploading their ID to Airbnb before booking one's home. This way, I know exactly who is coming to my home, which I also verify by asking the person who is coming with them. While Airbnb does not require ID from all guests coming to our home., I do. Example, if a guy books our home, and he has uploaded his ID to Airbnb, but tells me he is coming into my home with his girlfriend, I NOW request that they email me a photo of the girlfriend coming with her FULL NAME. And I have every right to ask anything I want. And they have the right to turn me down. In that case, I dont' allow them to stay there. This is my home. I will do what ever I have to do to protect my home, my child and my husband. I went through a very scary situation with a horrible guests who had to be forcibly removed from our home by 14 police officers when I was host for only one month. I will never go through that again. (He booked for 1 person but showed up with wife, and newborn baby. We allowed them to stay, but they started smoking. We are a NON SMOKING home!!!!!)
What so funny about ppl acting wierd about showing ID, is that they have to show their ID to every car rental agency and hotel in the entire WORLD!!! And yet, have no problem doing that. haha.....if both people are driving the car, then both people have to show their ID.
Here are my 4 required ID verifications: 1. ID 2. Phone number 3. Email 4. Facebook or Lindken (business site)
I'm a big believer in this...."If a person has nothing to hide, they hide nothing" Make sense?
Great way to contact Airbnb or via Twitter at AirbnbHelp / Facebook
Hi Momy , I totally agree with but as a not much experienced host I can't see the coming customers' verification. Only Airbnb verify the guests' ID/ Phone number /Email/ but I can't click in which makes me not feel safe.
Is there any way that the host can see the ID Pitcure etc or only Airbnb has the right to see that?
There is an area on airbnb where you can add airbnb verifyed
About half of my guests have no ID verification on Airbnb and no reviews. I have literally never had any issues with these guests. Maybe I've just been lucky, or maybe other hosts haven't. I don't know. If it would be a long term stay, I maybe would be more inclined to ask for their ID upfront. However, my guests usually stay for 1-5 nights only.
You can always ask for more identification if you feel you would like to.
Happy hosting!