Visibility on map with instant book

Level 1
Dolphin Coast, South Africa

Visibility on map with instant book

I  could not see my listing on the map. Neither could some of my friends.

After some research I have found out that my property will not show up on the map if someone is not logged in. This is because I have a rating criteria on IB. Is this true?

This worries me because when I previously searched for property as a guest I did not always log in first!

My question is though - I have had enquiries from a number of people with no rating. How did they find my property?

Please help! 


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Daniel2017,


You have instant book turned on. If you also require that guests have either government-issued ID or ratings from other hosts then your listing will show up to people searching, while logged out, if they have the instant book filter turned off. If they have the instant book filter turned on while logged out then your listing won't show to them. That's because they're searching anonymously and specifically for instant book listings and Airbnb cannot tell if they meet your requirements. They have to be logged in for Airbnb to be able to tell who they are and whether or not they meet your requirements for instant book.



1) if guests search without being logged in, and have the instant book filter off, they'll see your listing. They will be offered only the "Request to book" option and the ability to send an inquiry by clicking on the "Contact host" link. They won't have the option to book instantly.


2) if guests search without being logged in, and have the instant book filter on, they won't see your listing as Airbnb cannot tell if they meet your instant book requirements


3) if guests search while logged in, and have your requirements, they'll see your listing and be allowed to book instantly


4) if guests search while logged in but don't have your requirements, the'll see your listing and can either send a booking request or an inquiry but cannot book instantly


In three out of the four possible cases people will be shown your listing.  They won''t be shown it if they're searching anonymously and specifically for instant book listings.


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