What is the best way to cancel guests when there is damage to your rental????

Level 2
Massachusetts, United States

What is the best way to cancel guests when there is damage to your rental????

Help! We just had a major flood in our rental property - and new guests coming on Saturday! We have an emergency service in evaluating it now, but I have no idea what to do. I'd hate to cancel reservations, however I don't think that we will be able to repair our rental in time for the next one, and possibly the one after that. Does anyone have any experience with this or know the best course of action? Thanks in advance...

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

@Jillian91 its pretty straight forward, give them a ring and explain its an unavoidable emergency. Airbnb will take care of the cancellations.

This link is contact numbers


This link explains extenuating circumstances


Level 2
Massachusetts, United States

Thank you!

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


You can contact Airbnb to explain, maybe they will cancel the reservations penalty free.

Otherwise if you cancel yourself, you can claim it being to "extenuating circumsances", procedures to follow are mentioned here:


Hope this helps,


Level 2
Massachusetts, United States
