When I refer friends on email to Airbnb does it show them my profile?

When I refer friends on email to Airbnb does it show them my profile?

I recently allowed Airbnb to send out a mass invite to my address book on Gmail for the 'get $20 if you invite friends to sign up for $40 credit' promo. Unfortunately I forgot that the contact of my abusive ex-husband were also in the email's address book. He was sent three credit invitational emails on his home, business and personal email from Airbnb on my behalf 😕 




When my ex (or anyone from my email address book) gets my referal link will they be 


a) able to see my profile

b) see my reviews and where I've traveled? 


I have a lot of very touching and personal reviews on my Airbnb profile that show where I've been and with whom...And since I am often a return customer to certain hosts' homes the additional reviews indicate that I've been there multiple times and may return again. 


My ex is not a safe or mentally OK person and though I doubt he'd fly around the world to bother me, he's also been proven a very radical person capable of pretty heinous actions. I have a restraining order, but still curious about what happens when invites get the credit referals from a personal account like mine. 




ps. also would he be able to trace my profile to this post? Just realized this may be possibility? Ack! I have my profile under a modification of my legal name so he and his family can't search for me on Airbnb or SEO engines like Google, etc. I really don't want him or his family to know where I am or what I am doing: they are not good people. 



1 Reply 1
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I would contact one of your good friends and ask them to send you the email they received - that will show you what details they see. I imagine your name will be there so that it does not look like spam.


Can he see you here? Yes if he is an AirBnB  member or host and browses these pages.