When can I first post a review for my guest?

Level 2
Mill Valley, CA

When can I first post a review for my guest?

My guest checked out this morning and I am trying to write his review, but the system says I have no one to review.  I went to my profile and clicked on reviews, then reviews by me.  Is there a lag between checkout and when the review option is available?

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

hello @Laura2217 ,

It can take some time before a review option shows up (i experienced up to 12 hours after official check out time). There will be an invitation to do so in your dashboard, but also a button in the list of reservations, and indeed also in the review section of your account.

best regards,


Level 2
Mill Valley, CA

Hi Emiel,


Thank you for your quick response!  I will check this later this evening or tomorrow.  My guest was so nice, clean and courteous.  I wanted to let him know!  Thanks again for your help.



Level 7
Edens Landing, Australia

Yes they will send you an email I usually get about 4 hours after check out asking me to review