Which one does the algorithm favor: A "Length-of-stay discounts" or a "Promotion"

Which one does the algorithm favor: A "Length-of-stay discounts" or a "Promotion"



Which one does the algorithm favor: A "Length-of-stay discounts" or a "Promotion"


Do you know what I'm talking about?


The Length-of-stay discounts we set in our listing settings, under Pricing.


The Promotion we set in our calendar. Airbnb shows us what "Perks" we get depending on amount of discount. If you offer 20% and over, you get included in emails to people who were searching in your area for those dates.


So this is about strategy. Do I offer a weekly discount that will always show up or do I use this promotion option which says it will give me these perks. Have you read any articles about this?


Would love some insight!


Thank you!


2 Replies 2

@Bruna-and-Andrew0  I don't know the secrets of the algorithm, but I can tell you one thing: those emails sure are annoying. Every time I do a search as a guest, Airbnb bombards me with spam related to the search, and even when it sends those promotional offers, they're always for places that don't even fit my search filters. The craziest thing is, it still keeps sending this stuff after I've booked somewhere. 


The best time to get my attention as a customer is when I'm already in Search and ready to book, rather than when I'm checking my email. So I think a straightforward weekly discount would land better. The "perks" that Airbnb pushes are mostly there to keep people coming back to the platform, not quite so much benefit to individual hosts.

Thank you for that insight! Much appreciated.


I am too a guest and know about this annoying email bombardment.


That's right, we want to see the best offer as we're searching.


Thanks again!
