Writing Negative Guest Review

Level 2
Redding, CT

Writing Negative Guest Review

Hello everyone,


Has anyone had to write a negative review for a guest who has had all glowing reviews by other hosts?  My most recent guest was a poor communicator and neglected to take out garbage, left food in fridge etc. Also left windows open which resulted in gnats ALL over the ceilings and windows (we have a lakehouse, that will happen when doors and windows are leftmost open).


I’m just wondering how to go about a negative review for her considering she’s loved by all of her other hosts...


thank you!

2 Replies 2
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

Some guests are better suited to other types of listing than an entire house, which might be what the problem was for this guest.  So your negative review might address the match between guest experience in a home and might be better suited to a different type of home.  BTW, 2 of your reviews, while mostly positive, did mention that your clean up rules were a bit too much.  As host, I do not trust guest cleaning will meet my standards so I would not trust guest washing linens.  Besides I like to see if there are any stains I need to treat.


To the review, perhaps you can mention the effects of leaving windows open for a lake house.  Also, perhaps you can mention what communication issues you found problematic.  Be neutral and professional and give her a rating of 3.

Level 10
Austin, TX


Past Performance Is No Guarantee of Future Results....



your review is your review; doesn’t matter what happened before