
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

accepting guests with no reviews who have just joined

Level 1
Balmain, Australia

accepting guests with no reviews who have just joined

any advice out there, I have 9 hrs to go before i have to accept or decline, please help !




2 Replies 2
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Kerry213  I've accepted several guests with no reviews and they turned out to be lovely guets. Have you messaged at all with the guest? That's where to start. Ascertain whether the person has read completely through your listing description, including the house rules, and clicked on everything where it says "read more" and "show all amenities, as well as your cancellation policy.." Make sure to reinterate your most important points, it will be different for each host (for me, I make sure they are aware that it's a 20 minute walk to town and the beach and that I have both a dog and a cat). Have they given you any info about themselves or the purpose of their trip? If not, ask. Just be friendly and chatty but clear about needing some more info before accepting. You can then judge whether to accept or decline depending on the content and tone of their answers.

I'll usually say something like "Hi XX, thanks for your request. I just need to know whether you are aware that xxxxx, and would mind telling me a little about yourself and the purpose of your trip here? I'll have to make a decision by XX hrs whether to accept or decline, so please get back to me ASAP, thanks."

Level 10
Mountain View, CA

@Kerry213 The guests I accepted who had no reviews before are about 15% of all guests. 


What I do is to get some information from the guest, including verified government ID, full name, residence city, sex, age, and the purpose of the trip. If they reply promptly, and I don’t feel anything abnormal, I accept the request.