cancellation due to extenuating circumstance

Level 1
Tallahassee, FL

cancellation due to extenuating circumstance

According to Airbnb's policy: "if you feel that your reason for cancellation is covered by Airbnb’s Extenuating Circumstances Policy, contact Airbnb for consideration. We generally require claims to be submitted no later than 14 days from the original check-in date and we may require valid supporting documentation."


I have made a cancellation due to a serious medical issue in my family. The problem is that I have no idea how to contact Airbnb about this. I'm not on Twitter. I've been told Facebook. OK, I go to the Facebook page & there is no way to message anyone there. There is no phone number except for "urgent" matters. There is no email. What do they expect me to do?


I appreciate any help you can offer out there, although all the other threads I've seen so far go down the rabbit hole & never come back up. Is this Airbnb's idea of keeping their "superhosts" happy? If so, it's not working.

5 Replies 5
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

Try either of the following numbers:  888 326 5753 or 855 424 7262   Good Luck!

Level 2
Pittsburgh, PA

Although it wasn't my extenuating circumstance, but my guest's, I thought Airbnb Help did a marvelous job of communicating and resolving the issue.  I did not want to "fine" them, as my cancellation policy would have allowed.  I was really impressed with how the Airbnb rep handled the whole thing, both with the guest and with myself.


So, point being, call the Help Line!  How can you be a host and not know about the Help Line?

Level 2
St Petersburg, FL

I have the exact same problem and there is no where to cancel for extenuating circumstances as a guest.  You can do it as a host, but not a guest.

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

Dear Carrie, 


I found myself in same ridiculous circumstances than you. Have you find any solution? 

if yes, please would appreciate some information,


Thanks a lot!!

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom