delete response from me to a rewiev

Level 1
Reykjavík, Iceland

delete response from me to a rewiev

Hi I did response to a review from guest and thought I was responding to her privatly but now it is on my page open for everyone and it is not going to sell my apartment, can you help me delete this response that I wrote so I should be able to do so

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Farmington, CT


There are quite a few conversations about hosts mistakingly leaving a private response on the public side. Unfortunately, it cant be deleted or changed. Hopefully, you will get enough more great reviews so this one doesnt stick out.

Is there not even a possibility through the Airbnb company?


Level 10
La Quinta, CA

Oddly, @Thordis--Erla0, you wrote negative information about your own listing to the guest but even if it was supposed to be a private message why would you share that information?  You won't be able to remove it, but from my perspective, it might not be as bad as you think.  Odd, yes, but not damaging:D.  All your reviews are positive and that is what travelers will look at.  Your negative comments about your own bathroom might let travelers know what to expect and also that this is something you want to change.