description and price

Level 1
Surat Thani, Thailand

description and price

I have a hostel and my rooms are dorms I have put each bed on abb the description is dorm 1 bed 1 and so on

and the price for one bed.

I have had two bookings and cancelled when I have told them they have booked only one bed, is ABB not the place for my hostel

or should I change the way I have set it up. Poeple think they are booking 5 beds for 500 bht per night.


Please help


1 Reply 1
Level 10
Strathpeffer, United Kingdom

Hi @Gilda4 unfortunately you've set up the listing incorrectly. As you can see from the image although your title has Bed 1 your listing actually allows for 10 guests and 5 beds. So at the moment anyone who books will be booking the whole 5 beds and you cannot with the way you've done it have them book just 1 of the beds. Think of it that it's what they are booking, not what the room as a whole can accommodate.




What you need to do is to have a separate listing for each bed and make sure that in the Basic menu you click Beds 1 and accommodates 2.


For the existing listing the dates that were booked will now be blocked off because you cancelled as a host. I would suggest you set up a whole new set of listings, one for each bed and deactivate the existing listing.


Also, are you sure the bathroom is private? As it's a dorm wouldn't there be 1 bathroom for the whole dorm or do you really have 1 bathroom for each bed? Assuming you don't then in the separate listings you set up for each bed you'll need to make sure that you state that the bathroom is shared othewise you will have problems with the accuracy rating in your reviews.