I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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Not able to reserve and after pressing "book it" the error message "PromiseKit.Error error 0." keeps showing.
Is this a site-wide issue?
We are as well...
I'm having the same issue! The host is asking if I can complete the booking process because on their end it says still pending. I press "book it" and get the error code.
Same here...
My friend and I are having the same issue on all devices! 😕
I called customer service yesterday and told them that I was having this issue. They told me that I had done everything I needed to do on my end and the host just needed to accept the reservation.... I was like, "Are you sure? I think they've already accepted it." I was assured that was the only issue. I messaged the host and let them know. She responded and said that she keeps hitting pre-approve on her end and gets a message that says, "Now Michelle can continue with her reservation." Looks like I'm calling customer service back today.
Update: I spoke to customer service again today. No explanation for the strange error code but the rep did cancel my old request and allow me to send a new request to the host. This time, like magic, it worked. The host accepted the new request and I received a notification that everything was confirmed/ good to go.
I am a host and have this error when testing my pricing...Does anyone know what this is please, I'm new to Airbnb
I've called customer service 3 times and still nothing. This is frustrating.
Posted 11/15/16
Has anyone gotten a resolve to this issue. AirBB, could you please post an answer for us. I am loosing my booking as the travelers want to confirm before arriving.
I cant book also. Is thereany solution find about this problem.
I am having this issue as well. Seems like host needs to cancel the reservation and redo from the beginning or really need AIRBNB to figure this out for all of us.
Same problem. Airbnb, step up your game.
I am a host and non of my listings are bookable for over a month now. I believe the wesbite has bugs and they simply dont know how to fix it, unfortunately.
I've got credit from a cancellation and booked a new place, it seemed fine at first but now it says 'complete payment' and 'pending request' but if I hit complete it goes to error 404 site. HEEELPPPP