finding prices on past bookings

Level 5
Prague, Czech Republic

finding prices on past bookings

Hello all,

I've recently been seeing many people complain that Airbnb have been ripping them off with calculations..I usually just trust their overall calculations, if its off a dollar or two i thought to myself not to worry about the small things. but now I am getting quite paranoid. I went into my calendar to see my past reservations to do some calculations to see if it all adds up, but the days that were booked no longer have the exact prices that I set...There is just a receipt that says an average per night x the night they stayed, but I want to do the calculations myself and see. Where can i find my previous prices for older dates? Sorry if this has already been asked 🙂

Have a great day, everyone! 

6 Replies 6
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

You can't ... The information disappears when a booking fills the calendar. M

I've had this problem myself so I called Airbnb... Oh no don't post a thread asking how to contact them 😉

no I wont dont worry, there is enough of those! lol! that is crazy, I noticed that in the beginning, like my first 2 bookings, I would check the calendar to do my own calculations, but they would be missing on the calendar after I I was like, huh, im sure its fine and they calculated correctly, and if it ever bothers me then there must be a place i can find the price that i set i see all these posts of people being ripped off, and I cant find my previous prices anywhere, ive been looking for like 40 minutes!! that is really crazy and unfair...

All you can do is screenshot your calendar before bookings come in and save the file somewhere
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I'll also say in 1.5 years of hosting I have never been ripped off. No offence to the people making those posts but I would bet they've missed something their end ... I notice not one ever comes back to say : hey! Yes Airbnb did rip me off but it's sorted now ! Again it makes me think they realised their bank charged something, or they gave the wrong account details, they made a mistake in the calendar etc etc

Really you see some odd things on these forums; don't believe it all !

There was one time when I made a change in the app and it didn't fix properly ... Fine moving forward I didn't make changes on the app anymore as I knew it was unreliable. That wasn't anyone ripping me off it was a technology fail.
Level 10
Lincoln, United Kingdom

If you go into your transaction history you can see the amount paid to you, minus host fees, for each guest.  I started hosting in August 2015 and I can look back to my first guest.  Also, if you look at past reservations you can see the gross amount charged to each guest before host fees are deducted.  Not sure if this is what you are looking for but these figures do show the booking dates so that you can see what you were charging at that particular time.

Hi @Sharon114 Thanks for the input, however im not looking for the overall average of the prices, i wanted to see exactly how much i charged on certain nights on my calendar, as I have different prices for different days, and do the calculations myself...but If i go back to my reservations, it the days booked are blank and only days that were not booked show the prices on the calendar. It seems odd to me that Airbnb wouldn't allow you to see your prices that were set in the past...