I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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Hello everyone,
I am new host and I know nothing about how it works. I'm hosting now my first guests, I'm quite nervous. A week ago I've got a reservation from my second (potential) guest. He asked me if he could get in house earlier than check-in time. I have answered in 30-35 minutes, said that it seemed to be impossible, because I had guests who were leaving that day. I also wrote that I will ask my present guests, if they are leaving earlier than check-out time, I will let them (potential guests) to get in house earlier than check-in time. I found out that my present guest do check-out on time, so potential guests have to check-in on time too and I wrote this everything to him. He didn't answer. He arrives (?) tomorrow, so I wrote him today, I want to know what time he will arrive tomorrow as he wanted earlier check-in, but he didn't answer again. I sent him message on phone number (verified on Airbnb) but message didn't send, than I call but number is turned off. Do I have to contact airbnb or just wait check-in time?
Thank you in advance.
I would just wait until check in time. But be aware, he may show up early and try to check in anyway. Be firm and let him know he will need to come back at the proper check in time.
You can call BNB tell them you can't reach your guest to confirm check in time and ask if they can help.
Hello Tsisana,
I think you have to wait your guest at check-in time.
You can try sending one last message, through Airbnb, not any other way, reminding him that check-in can take place between ? p.m. and ? p.m., whatever your check-in hours are. That will show on your Airbnb record, in case there is any dispute over this later on. If he has his Airbnb notifications set up properly, he will get e-mail, text and a message on Airbnb. I would not let him check in any earlier than that, as those are the terms he agreed to when he made the reservation.
Thank you everyone for your answers, I really appreciate it. I heeded all your advices: I've sent a message to him again on Airbnb, I've sent a message to Airbnbhelp on twitter and now I'm waiting for a check-in time. Thank you again everyone.