guest verification

Level 2
Letterkenny, Ireland

guest verification

Hi, I just got a booking enquirey from a guest who's only verification is his phone number. Is that all a person needs to supply to Airbnb ?

The person has also just joined Airbnb and has no references so I am a bit hesitant to accept the booking.

Top Answer
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


You can sent guest a message you like to see ID verification on the profile, before accepting reservation.

I do this reguraly, and a serious guest will update with ID and otherwise you will never hear again.

Best regards,


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10 Replies 10
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


You can sent guest a message you like to see ID verification on the profile, before accepting reservation.

I do this reguraly, and a serious guest will update with ID and otherwise you will never hear again.

Best regards,


Thank you Emiel, up to now our guests have always provided more info to Airbnb, this is the first time that only a phone number was provided , surely more is required by Airbnb ?

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


No, when setting up a new account initially, nothing more is required from Airbnb.

A new account is allways a risk, but asking for more info +  the way they communicate to that gives at least some impression. I recently hosted several "newbies" and most of them where fine. One was less impressive, but i was allready in doubt about that person, so not really a surprise. It's a learning curve to select the good ones.....

But without ID verification i do not accept any newbie.

Happy hosting,


thank you very much for your help Emiel

Level 2
Paris, France


j’ai accepté une location pour 3 jfemmes russe et ensuite j’ai été submergée de demande identiques et à chaque fois de personnes non vérifiées. Étant inquiet j’ai demandé une copie du passeport de la demoiselle qui me l’a gentiment envoyé mais là le nom du passeport n’est pas le même que celui de rbnb; pouvez vous me donner un avis ?

sorry my French is not that good Lis, is there a translation button somewhere ?


I accepted a rental for 3 Russian women and then I was overwhelmed with identical requests and each time with unverified persons. Being worried I asked for a copy of the lady's passport who kindly sent it to me but there the name of the passport is not the same as that of rbnb; can you give me an opinion?

@Fergal-and-Sveta0 this is her question.

@Lis31 as to your problem, ask the lady who booked for her passport which has to match the name of the person booking, or it is a third party booking and against Airbnb rules and you can contact them at any time to cancel the booking but don't cancel it yourself. 

I would not accept any booking from unverified persons. It does seem odd that you got identical requests and I would not accept that booking . As Lis mentioned , tell them to cancel as you are not happy , don't cancel yourself as you may loose your Super Host status.

You can also report the profile that was supplied

Thanks you should be right...!

Hello Thanks a lot for your advise. She answered that is is her mom 's name, but the count is new so i don't understand why she doen't use her name. She suggested to send me the 2 other passeports from fer friend but i don't know what to think....