guests with a gun

Level 1
Sarasota, FL

guests with a gun

We recently had guests who after arriving told us they had a permit to carry a 9mm Glock handgun which they had with them. We thanked them for their honesty in advising us that they had it with them. However, we are not comfortable with guests having guns. How do other hosts manage this with their listings?




16 Replies 16
Level 1
Rincon, GA

I am new to staying at Airbnb locations, Have our first trip coming up actually. I am a licensed firearm owner. I am also a responsible gun owner.   I live in a state where there are background checks done with the sheriffs department and I was Fingerprinted to get my permit. 

My point of view is coming from the other side of the discussion I guess.  It’s a shame that most people see gun owners as “gun nuts” and we all get a bad rap from the bad apples. 

You need to look at the local gun laws in your state. In some states you can not carry onto private property (some ones home) with out permission first. 

If I were to carry on my trip I would message the property owner BEFORE going to talk them first.  If they had questions could maybe put them at ease. Try and be a good ambassador. 

As long as everyone is respectful to each other it goes a long way. 


As for the above comment of unloading and pointing at a bucket of sand every time you enter. 

Thats when accidents happen. A gun in a holster will not go off by it self. As long as it stays in the holster there is no risk.

pulling the gun out, unloading, pulling the trigger to verify empty then doing the reverse when you leave opens the door for accidents.   Some one rushing or distracted by a tired child or what ever.  



I searched for this topic and I am glad that I found this discussion.  I am not a gun owner and am not comfortable having guns in my home. Period.  We had a long term renter years ago who got drunk, was trying to scare his wife with a gun, tripped and shot through the floor into our kitchen.  Thank goodness none of our children were in that room at the time.  I am not looking to preach to anyone else. Each host needs to make their own decision.  For me I am looking for a non confrontational non judgmental way to say if you choose to bring a gun on your vacation, please choose another rental location.