
Level 1
South Africa


good day
please assist, an employee created a listing with my details. when the employee stopped working i was under the impression that the listing was deleted and i created a new listing but i keep getting inquiries on the old listing, when i click to respond to clients on the old listing it takes me to the new profile (somehow it interlinked ) but the details of the clients is not there.
Now a client has booked on the old listing but i am unable to communicate to the client. But help me, i have no idea what to do.  Any advise would be greatly appreciated


2 Replies 2

@Diana456, this discussion room is not AirBnB; this is just a forum where guests and hosts can chat with each other.

For a problem like you are describing, it is probably best to contact AirBnB directly.

In your host Dashboard, go to the Help tab and press the "Contact us" button near the bottom.


@Mattew0, thank you so much for the advise. i shall do so