I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I ...
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I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I had a PAST reservation cancelled. The guest have already stayed. ...
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Hi, I need to chat with an airbnb representative and I can't fin=d the way. Thanks
Hi I need help and I'm trying to chat with an airbnb representative
Contact Airbnb: A Community Help Guide Courtesy of Dave and Deb
I have tried what you sugested but it will not let me say what I want to discuss, only gives specific queations and answers?
this seems too difficult and too much liability for it to be worth it. how do i chat with a live person at airbnb? i have a home with two units and one is always rented. the other is large and has thre bedrooms available, on shared bath and one private bath in the bedroom. if i'm looking to rent each room for a price per room per night or the entire place per night or week how do i communicate this.
re "how do i chat with a live person at airbnb?"
Good luck with that!!!!!
did you solve your problem? I´ve been trying myself, because a have an extra charge in my Credit card.
If you have an unrecognised charge on your Credit Card you should immediately notify your credit card company and have them investigate. They are required to do so. It will be much easier than you trying to find out what it was for, etc. Just make sure it's is really not a charge you are liable for!
I am trying to contact airbnb about an account query, cannot find a way on their site?
A guest wants to make a booking but says it hasnot gone through
A guest called Alva wants to book from 1st november until 5th nov (check out). he has given credit card details.
he wants to stay until 5th and not the 4th.....
Hi Is this the way to talk to live chat?
if I have the name of a home and price - how do I locate it
Hi I need to chat with someone right now.
I would like to talk to arbnb about the location of my advert on the website.