making a decision about accepting an inguiry of a guest with no reviews listed

Level 1
Kawartha Lakes, Canada

making a decision about accepting an inguiry of a guest with no reviews listed

 I have had an inguiry about a booking for this weekend. A potential guest only provided his name and Email address. I asked him for some more information, as the rental for BNB is in our private home. No reviews where provided and I feel I am going at this with blinders on.  What should be my next step? I feel I should decline if he does not give me more information. Does my declining an inquiry effect my rating with Air bnb? Thank you  Susan (City of Kawartha Lakes)




2 Replies 2
Level 10
Copenhagen, Denmark

Hi @Richard-and-Susan0 🙂

When you receive an inquiry all you need to do is to reply to the message as fast as possible. Never touch the "decline button". You can press the "accept button" if you think the guest would be a good match and you would like to invite the guest to book but you don't need to. 

I always just reply to an inquiry. I never use the decline or accept button and I have a 100% response rate.

It is of course different if you get an actual "request" where the guest ask to book. 

Best, Sandra 

Level 10
Somerville, MA

@Richard-and-Susan0  As @Sandra856 states above, there is no reason to accept or decline an inquiry. It looks like you need to do something, but responding is sufficient.