price listed in advert

price listed in advert

Hello out there1

Our advert shows a price that has no relation to our asking rate for daily, weekly or monthly. It is much lower and we feel that some potential guests will think that we are giving  a fale price to lure them in.

That is not our doing, what can we do to remove the false pricing?



3 Replies 3
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Karen133,


Dou mean that the price shown on the map if guests search without entering dates is too low?


When a guest searches without dates the base price is shown. That's the price you set in "Base price" in the "Nightly price" section on your calendar's "Pricing settings" page.

When guests search with specific dates then they see the different price that you've set for those dates.

You have different prices for different dates so there will always be a difference if a guest first searches without dates and then adds the dates when they go to book.

Airbnb says that most guests search by entering their dates first. If they do this then they won't see any price increase when they book.


When I search without dates your listing shows a price of €50 per night.

Searching with dates of the 17th to the 20th of September shows a price of €72.

For the 21st to the 24th of October the price shown is €100.


If this doesn't explain the issue then you should contact Airbnb support.



Level 1
Sterling Heights, MI

I  am expierence the same issues. When I set up the account it was 50 per night. 

And then when my guess booked my site I get lower price . 

How can I resolved this issue permanently.

Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Marlin3,


You have two listings but don't say which one has the issue.


When I try to book each of your listings the price shows as US$50 in both September and October and you don't have any weekly or monthly discounts set for either listing.


Could it be that what you're seeing is the Airbnb host fee deduction? You charge US$50.

Airbnb's host fee is about 3% so you'll receive about US$48.50 per night.


If this doesn't explain the difference then contact Airbnb support to discuss the issue.

Type "contact airbnb" in the "Search the community" box on these forum pages where you posted your question. Scroll down a little in the list of suggestions that appears and click on the "Contact Airbnb: A Community Help Guide[UPDATED]" one. That lists phone numbers and ways to contact them via Twitter or Facebook.

