query payment amount for my guest

Level 3
Perth, Australia

query payment amount for my guest

My guest initially booked three separate dates and then decided to combine them. He cancelled the original dates then joined them together in a new booking. In the meantime, I had changed the nightly rate on 3 of the days which he hadn't previously booked. I told him about this and that was fine.  I have received the request for the new booking but I can't work out how Air BnB calculated the amount as I dont think it is correct. I need to know how they arrived at this amount before saying anything to my guest. I don't want to accept the new booking until I am sure of the amount. Thre doesnt seem to be anyway I can contact someone to discuss this. Can someone please help?  Tracey

1 Reply 1
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Tracey65  I know I used to be puzzled by the rate on the reservation query.  Finally I realized the rate reflected an averaging of the rates covered by the dates requested plus applicable fees.  Does that make sense in your case?  If not, you might want to speak with Air BNB.