question about minimun nights

question about minimun nights

hi friends,

i am new to airbnb and i have a question,

i want to set my calender so it would be possible to make a reservation for minimun nights in the foloowing way:

weekend (thursday- saturday) minimun 2 nights,

sunday - thursday minimum 3 nights


is that possible? 


thank you


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Noam4,


You say "weekend (thursday- saturday) ". If you mean weekend Friday to Saturday then you can do the following.

1) set your normal minimum nights as 3 nights

2) set your weekend minimun to 2 nights


To set the normalminimum nights stay go to your calendar and select "availability settings" and then "Reservation preferences". then set your minimum nights to 3.


To set your weekend (Friday and Saturday) minimum go to your calendar and select "availability settings" and then "Reservation preferences". Then select "Add a requirement for seasons or weekends" and in the "during" box select "Fridays or Saturdays". then set the minimum to 2.



Level 10
La Quinta, CA

Are you really ready to host, @Noam4?  You have no picture on your profile and your two reviews are the automated cancellation reviews.  Maybe you should take a step back by snoozing your listing and get comfortable with this platform.  It will be very difficult for you to get bookings with the 2 cancellations as the travelers will not trust you.