I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I ...
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I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I had a PAST reservation cancelled. The guest have already stayed. ...
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What would you have done in this situation please?
My check in time is between 3 to 9pm.
A guest was expected to arrive at 7pm. After a few conversations, i was adviced at 9pm, that the person would be arriving later. At about half an hour later, i received a message saying, that they would be arriving very late. But i couldnt get any time frame, and no further correspondance.
I called airbnb, at 11pm, and said, she hasnt arrived, and isnt communicating. Airbnb, called back as they managed to get hold of her, and she wouldnt be long.
I called airbnb, at midnight, and said, she still hasnt arrived, ist communicating, and its getting very late, im very tired. My advert says this is a quiet working household. I will have to change her room, as the person next to her room, gets up at 4.30 am for work. But the room is a better one. So had already started to prepare the other room. Airbnb ask if i wanted to cancel. I said i will wait another hour, but wasnt happy, as airbnb couldnt get a response either. Anyway, why should i get penelised by cancelling? Ive been waiting all this time.
At 1am, i called airbnb again, and said sorry i have to go to bed. Tell her not to come now, its too late. Tell her to check in between 3 and 9pm. He said yes, you,ve been patient, go to bed. I also messaged the guest, on her mobile, to say the same. (different from the one on airbnb.) and went to bed.
2am, there was hell of a commotion at my door, which is a terrace house. 3 people. She had arrived. I told her it was too late. People had to get up for work, to come back between booking in time. She and company sat on my steps, outside my house, noisy, calling, banging on door till past 3am, calling my mobile, and landline, and ringing the bell.
Im nackered. This morning she asked for full refund, or be allowed to return to the house, with compensation. I said she will get some compensation, but not full refund, and she isnt allowed to stay anymore due to her behavious at 2/3 in the morning. This afternoon, two neighbours complained to me.
There are other issues as well, but thats the basics. My last booking, a lovely guy.... but he also arrived about 3/4 hrs late. Not due to any problem. Just that he decided to catch a lift with a friend comming this way, rather than catch a train, and had to wait.
Im just not happy waiting up to 1/2am for people to arrive. I once had a guy who booked, asked for a late arrival, and didnt arrive till the next afternoon, after i sat up all night. ! He decided, as he was driving near his sisters place, he would stay there for the night, and had his phone switched off.
Many thanks for any answers i receive.
We all like to be flexible to help people but sometimes you just have to put your foot down - and a bit more firmly than you did in the end. E.g.: I f you are not here by xx time I won't be able to let you check in.
@Vivienne9 You not only had to consider yourself but you had other guests to be considered as well. I have had guests come late due to the airline delay and just fell asleep until they arrived. I am retired and can catch up on sleep the next day. In your case, I agree with @Gerry-And-Rashid0 that you need to be more strict about arrival time and communication about any unavoidable changes in ETA.
I used to have 11pm as a check in, and most people were here well before that. Had a couple if incidents and changed it to 10pm.
So 11pm is till OK by me, something in the middle of the morning like this would not, Sounds more like a Police issue.
Although I am flexible and tend to be up until about 2am, the time you choose is up to you and is advertised on airbnb. I have had people arriving later than expected, usually due to airport hold ups. They have all communicated as soon as they realise there is a problem and been very apologetic. The attitude from guests makes a big difference to how accomodating the host feels they can be. The noise on the doorstep at 3am, I agree, sounds like a time to involve police help.
I was reading your story and thought maybe you had the same woman I had a while back, ha, but then I noticed you're in the UK 😉 My person wouldn't tell me at all when she would be arriving, and then when I checked in with her at 9 or 10pm for an update, she apparently had decided not to check in that night at all, ha. I have also set much shorter restrictions "officially" for my check-in time, but try to be more accommodating in general. It's hard to know what to do, since we try to be accommodating and don't want to leave people high and dry, but luckily it seems most guests are pretty respectful. These types of people seem to not be the norm...
I certainly wouldn't offer any compensation you haven't done anything wrong.
I have a flexible check in between 6 - 11 p.m. and get guests to confirm a time within that before any booking is confirming.
Then the day before I contact them to ensure there plans are still for the same time and remind them to let me know of any delays. I remind them unless there is a flight delay or motorway pile up (I can check both) I can only accept people within my check in time.
I have never had people check in outside of this.
In your situation once it got towards 12, you should have asked BNB to confirm with them they needed to stay somewhere else on the first night.
Next time call the police. It is not fair to your other guests or neighbours to put up with this.
in those cases I just leave a key out.