refund after 50 days

Level 1
Rovinj, Croatia

refund after 50 days


Guest has made booking of my flat by mistake , they canceled immediatelly, so I want to give them  total refund including cancelation fee refund.

The reservation was for 05.08.2017, so this cancelation fee money will be sent to my account on 06.08.2017. But the Airb&b wants to keep this money in meantime and charge this sum from my account now, before it is on my account. There is no money on my account at the moment, so this transaction is not possible.

What are the options here? I want to give money back, but not before this money is actually payed to me. Can I still refund the guest when actual money arrives on my account? Will it be still possible to refund after 06.08.2017, if the booking was canceled today?

1 Reply 1
Level 2
George Town, Malaysia

Hi @Klaudija0,


i once had a guest who booked my place and decided to cancel it, as they couldn't make it on the date.


Well, as you yourself haven't received the money, i don't think you can refund it back to them. It is first importany for them to "cancel their reservation". The money will then be automatically refunded (hopefully you have a lenient cancellation policy in the first place). 


I hope that helps.