snoozing my listing

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

snoozing my listing

hello lovely people

I am planning to snooze my listing during the winter months as unfortunaly I am not around to look after my guests

Probably between November and end of February

Is it true that when you snooze your listing the listing is not visible so people who start looking for an accomodation now for next year , they will not see the listing ?

basicaly the listing will only become visible from the date that you set to be open again ( let s say 1st of March) and therefore you could miss out on all those people who have been looking to plan to book between november and march 


Top Answer
Level 10
СПБ, Russia



You could just block the calendar dates up to March so those looking for availabilty after this point can still see your listing and book beforehand.


Snoozing hides your listing completely within the dates you select.

View Top Answer in original post

3 Replies 3
Level 10
СПБ, Russia



You could just block the calendar dates up to March so those looking for availabilty after this point can still see your listing and book beforehand.


Snoozing hides your listing completely within the dates you select.

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

If you are able to respond to inquiries and reservation requests, @Maddalena3, then blocking dates is better than snoozing.  Snoozing is good for hosts who will not be able to communicate and manage their listing.  Blocking dates is to prevent booking of specific dates.  Hope this helps.

@Linda108 , thank you very much, will try that 
