someone used my property unauthorized

someone used my property unauthorized

This is fake listing:


This is our listing


Seems you verified the fake listing. I want to know who is the person behind that listing. Because I manage the property, all advertisements or publishing go to my desk first and I don't authorised that. This fake listing is obviously is stealing from us, our customer, our identity, and money.


This is not acceptable, I want to know the identity of this person and I want you to remove that listing NOW before someone fall to the fake listing and give us problem.


I appreciate your fast action about this issue.

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Bragg Creek, Canada

@Agustin23 That is terrible! Airbnb needs to know about this right away. However, this is a forum of hosts trying to answer questions for other hosts, so you'll need to contact Airbnb directly with your issue. All ways to do that are HERE. Twitter gets the fastest response I think. Best of luck getting that sorted quickly - Karen

Level 2
Leipzig, Germany

I would recommend simply using the "Report this user" link on their airbnb profile page to have this reviewed by AirBnB right away. The example you provided should help them verify the situation quickly.

Level 10
New York, NY

@Agustin23 Did you figured this out? Did Airbnb responded to you?