street number address changed

Level 2
Baku, Azerbaijan

street number address changed


This listing (

needs address update

FROM - 50 Asif Məhərrəmov app 53, floor 10, Bakı, Azerbaijan

TO - 52 Asif Məhərrəmov app 53, floor 10, Bakı, Azerbaijan


This listing (

Needs google maps positioning correction as I am continuing getting low points on location accuracy. Please help me to position the building manually. 


I am looking forward to hear from you,

Best wishes,


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


You need to contact Airbnb for this address issue:

Contact Airbnb - Community Guide [Updated]


BTW the links you provide should be only look like:


You can change listing position to be viewed more accurate by selecting option in:

Choose how location is publicly shown on the map.


more :

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Mamed1, I was just wondering if you've seen Emiels post? 



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