De qué hablan los anfitriones

    The house i rent is in Spain, thus it is not so common to have central heating, in our case we heat with electrical heating. After the first months i realized, that people use a lot of electricity on heating, which the price we ask does not allow for. Oth...
    Consecuencias de cancelar una reserva.1) baja el rating de busqueda2) quedan tus fechas bloqueadas igualmente3) sale un post en tu perfil diciendo que has cancelado tu la reserva.4) pagas una multa de hasta 100€.( la primera vez pueden hacer la vista gord... Última respuesta por Rita25
    Hola! Hace dos dìas me dì de alta como Anfitriòn y ayer mismo, despuès de subir fotos me enviaron dos pedidos de reserva. Las aceptè con una prereserva y contestè dentro del plazo sugerido pero todavìa no volvieron a responder. Ninguno de los dos usuarios... Última respuesta por Andrea-and-Ricardo0
    Hi community,I´ve been having issues trying to block many days of this month´s calendar of one of my ads.However I´m only able to block one day of this month, prevouisly I have done it without any issues.Non of those days has a booking.Thanks in advanced... Última respuesta por Sergi
    I have a guest trying to make a long term reserve, the dates entered on the reserve are wrong and she did not know how to correct them, she asked me cancel the reserve so she could make a new one, since I canceled her reserve the property now showes un av... Última respuesta por Sergi