Guests should have star ratings on their public profile just like Hosts have to

Guests should have star ratings on their public profile just like Hosts have to

Currently only a Hosts profile page will show how many average stars that person receives.

And even tho we give star ratings to guests regarding communication and cleanliness, it does not show on their profile page.

So then whats the point?

A phone rep told me "yea the star ratings for guests dont mean anything. you can skip that part".

I recommend guests have public star ratings too.

Response from Airbnb

Reviews are central to Airbnb, and we appreciate the desire to have reviews provide value to both hosts and guests. We are not planning to create a publicly visible Star Rating on the guest profile at this time. Later this year we are planning to look into improving profiles. The ways reviews are represented on profiles will be considered as part of this project. But at this time we are not able to commit to making changes to how Star Ratings are displayed on guest profiles.

Reviews from previous hosts can be leveraged best depending on how you host. If you are hosting with Instant Book, you can use a host control setting to ensure you only receive bookings from guests that have positive reviews. If you are not using Instant Book, then you can read the reviews left by hosts directly on the guest’s profile page.


Follow up from Airbnb - May 26th, 2017

We plan to look into this idea starting in July or August 2017. Thanks for your patience as we balance this with other improvements we’re making to Airbnb.


I've 'met' a guest now who seems to hav stayed with many hosts (based on her verbale stories), but doesn't have maky reviews. The reviews she does have, are very 'lean', to the point that one suspects that there might be problems during her previous stays. It seems that she leaves a day earlier and then 'cancels', so no review is triggered.


This is misusing a glitch, thereby not giving me the opportunity to warn other hosts about houer not following house rules, having 35min showers in the middle of the night, with the radio blaring.


So, 2 matters here:

1) Please fix the 'cancel' and thus no review glitch

2) Give the thumbs down and star ratings that hosts give to guests, some actual meaning and weight. Let us see who we let into our house and let guests know, that their behaviour IS noted and DOES create implications, both good and bad.


Level 2

Airbnb should definitely have public guest ratings. AB could add it to the last previsit email they send that the guest will be rated by the host and it will show on their "permanent record".

It really will help cut down on the Don't care attitude.

With HOMEAWAY/VRBO I always have a substantial security deposit that I control the disbursement off after the visit.  The Resolution process is a bit of a PITA if the guest wants to be a jerk.


Level 3



I too as a host think that we should be able to see the star ratings left by other hosts it makes for a safer and better community for us all


It is unfair that guests can see all our stars and reviews yet we cannot see the guests.


I think like someone has mentioned before it would make for better guests as well I think the way it is at the moment is very one sided and not fair as I personally go above and beyond for my guests and have worked really hard on creating two beautiful and very clean appartments for guests and I think I should be able to see what others have to say about how guests have treated others propety


Or should we start putting our star reviews in the word section? this would help future host.


I just find this system a bit unfair as I love been a host and have never had an issue with a guest I just dont see the point in a review system to help other hosts if we cannot see it.


Maybe even codes like CL for clean and C for communitcation and H for house rules etc in the words would help other hosts CL4 H5 C5 etc would help. (I like this idea and may now do this in my written reviews to help other hosts)


Hoping this changes soon to keep our community and properites safe


Level 10


Level 10

Anyone who has used eBay knows that there, the rating system is fully applicable to sellers as well as buyers --- and it works extremely well, as both parties have incentive to maintain a good rating.  So with that said, Airbnb, its not like you need to re-invent the wheel here.  In our first year, because we needed to build a collection of positive reviews, we accepted guests with no reviews.  We got lucky and didn't host any "problems" or "flakes", but some of them prior to their arrival were of considerable concern to us.  The sooner guests realize that they too need to have a positive Airbnb reputation, the better the experiences will be for ALL of us.  Get cracking Airbnb!!

Official Account
Status changed to: Under Consideration

Reviews are central to Airbnb, and we appreciate the desire to have reviews provide value to both hosts and guests. We are not planning to create a publicly visible Star Rating on the guest profile at this time. Later this year we are planning to look into improving profiles. The ways reviews are represented on profiles will be considered as part of this project. But at this time we are not able to commit to making changes to how Star Ratings are displayed on guest profiles.

Reviews from previous hosts can be leveraged best depending on how you host. If you are hosting with Instant Book, you can use a host control setting to ensure you only receive bookings from guests that have positive reviews. If you are not using Instant Book, then you can read the reviews left by hosts directly on the guest’s profile page.

Level 2

Guests ABSOLUTELY should be starred or rated just as hosts are. 99% of my guests have been wonderful. I had one ad booking where they lied and gave us a horrible review where nothing they said was true. I also just had someone book and then cancel, berating me for false advertising, which is not the case. He was quite obnoxious with his comments, in two separate emails. I promptly reported him as I did the bad booking and would block him if I could, but AirBnB does not provide this kind of protection, thus leaving me open to further harassment should he continue to hassle me.

I did however, post his name in a forum post to warn other hosts to never accept him, something I have the right to do particularly since AirBnB does not allow me to block him. I want to save other hosts the annoyance of dealing with such an uncouth, aggressive person.

Level 3

COME ON AIRBNB "Reviews are important to Airbnb" how about realising information is CRITICAL to hosting as we welcome guests into our homes.


By not providing star rating on guests you are WITHHOLDING information that hosts are trying to provide for other hosts Star ratings are as important to hosts as they are to guests - how about making it a level playing field, give hosts access to star ratings


More information will allow hosts to make faster decisions!

Level 10

THE most frustrating thing about AirBnb is their apparent deafness to hosts concerns.  If they are listening, it takes them forever to get around to making a change.  It seems to be a VERY palpable feeling and common (in blogs) among hosts, that their voices are not heard.


Level 10

You need only look at the decision made regarding hosts' views on the "Location" rating.


Hosts provided a wide range of intelligent, plausible reasons for scrapping the rating.


Airbnb's final response and decision to ignore all the reasons was astoundingly immature, inccurate and dismissive.


It would seem to be a no-brainer that hosts' ratings of guests should all be available for other hosts to see. If not, then why are hosts rating guests at all? Is this just a little game Airbnb has invented for us?