Hello all,
I recently had a bitter experiance with airbnb, my first reservation was about to arrive and 3 days before arrival my account gets blocked, and i have no way to contact the customer cause he was from abroad and cannot access airbnb customercare to know any details cause my account was blocked cause of id verification issue, this was my first guest from airbnb i didn't know what to expect when a situation like this happens, the customer was in bad mood thinking i cancelled the reservation right at the last moment cause he had to book another place at last few days. and finally after resolving the issue and logging in all my reservations were cancelled by airbnb. this is the first time a thing like this happend to me on my 5+ years of hosting with OTA's, i didn't even get a notification saying my account was blocked/ reservations cancelled with a big OTA as airbnb i was hoping at least a phone call from airbnb before taking such a drastic mesures so that i could resolve it without the account being suspended and customers won't be suprised at the last minute,
Does someone know that if this will effect my chance to get to superhost statue and will i get a negative reveiw to my property because of this issue ?
thank you,