Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do...
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Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do you provide a table, or let them eat on the bed. New to Airbnb, ...
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Hello all, I am curious the experience any of the new AirBnb Plus hosts are having with this new designation. Have you seen any increase in bookings? Was it complicated? Do you feel it was necesary?
well if you have Plus listing then guests expect more... and are disapointed if it doesn't meet their expectations... and you get less stars... and your 4,8 listing become 4,5 ... and you lose Plus listing status... simple
There is no Plus programm in Zagreb jet but our bookings significally dropped since Family and bussines collections are introduced. We are not in those collections
@Matthew285 and @Cor3, I think you should become investigators with you amazing skills here, this is very detailed. 🙂
It is great to see you are keeping such a close eye on the developments of Airbnb Plus. Just keep in mind it is still only it its early stages.
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
If you eliminate 10% of the superhosts in the next round because of the 4.8avg req I don't imagine that will help the plus enrollment.
I was recently looking at properties on and they just highlight the avg score without the ever increasing badges and segmentation of Airbnb. You can also do other miracles like order by rating and price - Imagine that ! Amazing what the web allows 🙂
AirBnB Plus is a disaster. It is a joke. And it reeks of corporate arrogance.
Hey Everyone!
I just wanted to give a little insight into the discussion. Airbnb reached out to us well over a year ago inviting our property to be part of this pilot project. They sent photographers, had us update some amenities and fill out some extra information. Then crickets. After a few months, we were told we had to restart the whole process and they would send new photographers. Not only that, they charged our account with on boarding fees , which I challenged as they originally approached us for a pilot project. Tired of the constant promo emails, empty promises and lack of progression, I told them to forget it. They were wasting my time - having to pay wages to have someone come stage the apartments, and be present for the photo shoots with nothing to show for after a year. I had better things to do with my time. Just recently they sent us a sneek-peak of the photos (apparently they didn't get the message that we were no longer interested), and they are TERRIBLE. In my opinion they are having a terrible time getting this project executed and it is highly disorganized. That being said, I woudln't worry too much about being included or not - doesn't seem worth it.
Thank for sharing. I believe this thread has more negative comments about "plus" then positive ones.
Hi everyone,
We just joined the Plus program very recently. Like many of you indicated we had a first visit with photographer in January 2018 and then... Nothing. In July they contacted us a again and said "sorry we have to start all over again" and we had then a second visit.
The listing is now online as Plus but you have little control about it. We own this Villa in Bali with a gorgeous view on neighboring rice fields and this is what we were using as primary picture. The one selected by the AirBnB plus team is the entrance of the villa which doesn't make sense and you cannot change it!
All the previous pictures uploaded cannot be used as well... The AirBnB photographer forgot to shoot the Jacuzzi then no Jacuzzi picture on your listing.
Concretely AirBnB is taking control over your place and there is little you can.
It would have been great for instance to let you choose over a short selection of pictures the one you believe is the best for your place. The possibility to add few personnal pictures (even if need to be controlled beforehand by AirBnB Plus team), Etc.
We are now already thinking to opt out of the program which is a total waste of time and energy for both AirBnB and us. I have contacted them to see whether they could make some manual changes. Not heard back from them when we were supposed to have a better support LOL. I'll wait a few more days and then we'll take the decision.
This probably explains why the number of properties enrolled is dropping
its just all too random. It would be great if normal properties could have he seemingly obvious list of facilities validated (towels etc).
I could spend $$ chasing plus with a remodel of bathroom etc, but the ROI doesn't seem worth it. I'm quite happy hosting reasonable people at $80 a night without trying to become a boutique hotel.
I think those numbers are so important to look at. I feel like my opening description for my listings should say: "This is not the Ritz Carlton, but if you are looking for clean, quiet, fully equipited living downtown Minneapolis for under a hundred bucks, this is your place" I find guests who use Airbnb a lot get it. The bottom line for most people is price.
Thank you for sharing. This is very helpful
We are in Valencia and to be honest had not heard of the plus program. we have been superhosts for a year now but not on this proerty but another. Interestingly they contacted us and asked if we would like to join airbnb plus for free on a newish property we now have. Anyway i am uncertain about the program but will go along with it for now, they come tomorrow for the lets see.
We are designated with the Airbnb Plus symbol and are Super Hosts but our listing appears three or four pages in for our area - no others have the Airbnb Plus symbol so we find this curious... has anyone else had the same experience? Thank you.