Airbnb Math/exchange rate problem

Airbnb Math/exchange rate problem

I rented out a private room on Airbnb and gave out 50% discount for 30 day stays. The base price I set is as low as Airbnb allow, which is USD 10(nightly), I’m from malaysia so... USD 10 = MYR 42. But my guest paid Airbnb MYR 390(for 30 nights); he sent a screenshot and I checked the “upcoming payout” and I still don’t get how: MYR 42 * 30(nights) *  0.5(30 nights discount) = MYR 390 !!!!???

Whereas I should receive MYR 630. How??? 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Auston1,


There's no listing showing on your profile so I can't check what prices are shown or if Airbnb has included some other discount on top of your monthly one.


You could try contacting Airbnb support to discuss the issue.


For information on ways to contact them type "contact airbnb" in the "Search the community" box on these forum pages where you posted your question. Scroll down a little in the list of suggestions that appears and click on the "Contact Airbnb: A Community Help Guide[UPDATED]" one. That lists phone numbers and ways to contact them via Twitter or Facebook.



Hi, @Steve0,

here is the link to my listing:


I did the math and it just doesn’t add up. 

MYR 42 * 30(nights) * 0.5 (monthly discount) * 0.8 (I just realized, first customer discount 20%) = MYR 504