Anyone using a smart pad lock with a touch screen key pad? Does this exist yet?

Level 2
Salt Lake City, UT

Anyone using a smart pad lock with a touch screen key pad? Does this exist yet?

Anyone using a smart pad lock with a touch screen key pad? Does this exist yet? 


Looking for a pad lock that guests can open either with their phone and/or via a code that changes daily designated to them. 


I searched around a bit but only found pad locks that open with bluetooth for personal use or they open using a finger print.


Any ideas? Anyone else have this? Does it exist? Is it a thing?


Appreciate all input! Thanks!

1 Reply 1
Level 2
Salt Lake City, UT

Closest thing I can find is , it is on the right track of what I am looking for, but it needs to be a padlock not a lockbox. Bluetooth is okay, but wifi or LTE would be better. 


I guess the is the right idea as well