Arbitrary response time calculation

Level 5
Healesville, Australia

Arbitrary response time calculation

I've been hosting since about Dec and I make a very determined effort to respond to queries asap,usually within 30 minutes. On average, I get about 3 queries a week.

Recently I went overseas and as a result, I responded late to one query. My response rating went down from 100% to 97% but has now gone down to 90% even though I've answered every other query on time. WTH? How is this even calculated and can I dispute it? I'm rather annoyed!
4 Replies 4
Level 10
Edmonton, Canada

Hi @Kerry-Phil0,


I am a little worried by askign this question since you wrote WTH but do you know the difference between a "inquiry" and a "request"?  Many new hosts don't so that is why I ask.



Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

Hi @Deb & Dave,

I assume an inquiry is just asking for info whilst a request requires you to approve or deny. Either way, I always answer very promptly and action the email in the require time, except for this one instance

Ok @Kerry-Phil0,


Yes, with inquiries you only need to respond once to the inquiry but with requests, you MUST approve or decline the request within the 24 hours or it will affect your response rating.  If you feel your response rating is incorrect, I would contact Airbnb about it and have them fix it.



Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

Thanks, I will do that

I just don't understand how I can fall from 97 to 90% when I haven't done anything else wrong apart from answer late that one time