Awful Neighbor!

Level 3
San Francisco, CA

Awful Neighbor!

Hey all-

I have an AWFUL neighbor. He owns a 6 unit apt building next door to my single family home (which I host rooms from only while I am here). 


He just presumed to yell at my guest for having a conversation on the phone (its 12pm on a monday, not 3am!). He will also stop guests in the street and yell at them for choosing Aibnb because it is ruining the neighborhood. If he sees people in MY backyard he yells at them and tells them to go inside. 


This man does not even live in his unit (tho he is there almost everyday gardening or sweeping or just eavesdropping). I have met most of his tenants and they are very nice!


How do I handle such an irrational person!!! Help!

2 Replies 2
Level 4
Portland, OR

In my experience, the best way is to kill them with kindness. Reach out to him, understand his issues, and just listen. If he is still a jerk, remind him that what you are doing is legal (I hope it's legal!), and that if he has a problem with one of your guests, to let you know.

Yeah, I agree with all of that. I try to talk to him, but he closes the door on me, walks away, etc. I would email him but he wont share that and I dont know his home address to send snail mail.  My lawyer friend/advisor is suggesting a cease and desist but I feel like that is going to make it an even bigger issue.