Booking for 4 - 6 showed up

Level 2
Barcelona, Spain

Booking for 4 - 6 showed up

My actual guest made a booking for 4 during 4 months. Although they are only two and they asked if some guests could come for some days, we have just learned that they will be 6 for at least 21 out of the 60 days.

We hace talked with the guests who are willing to pay for the extra guests but I don't know how to modify the price just for some of the dates during their whole stay.


Could you help please?

Thank you

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Bergen, Norway

You can issue a claim through the resolution center.

Top Contributor
Edmonton, Canada

Hi @Vera6,


Like @Marit-Anne0 mentioned, use the resolution center:





Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

Thank you for your answer.

In the resolution center I can't enter past or current reservations 😞


Top Contributor
Edmonton, Canada



Use the option "Request payment for extra services".  You will not want to use the change date or guests as this will probably charge for all the dates.  Have a total extra charge and enter it using the "Request payment for extra services" option.





Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host