Have any other hosts been annoyed by the change in features to block dates on the calendar while a Special Offer is pending.
Recently Airbnb took away the option of blocking out dates on the calendar while a special offer is pending. I've spent hours with customer service (phone and Twitter DM) trying to deal with this. When I issued a special offer to a guest who requested dates that we had not yet released on our calendar and then I released the dates, someone else immediately usurped the dates and invalidated the offer. I required customer service to cancel the reservation. Then, I had to suspend Instant Book which required a whole series of questions and disclaimers about how I would no longer be prioritized in searches to turn off. Today, someone else requested a special set of dates, and I again had to suspend Instant book, go through the whole rigamarole, and even so, two other sets of guests were able to get in there and usurp the dates. I had to decline them (which Airbnb, rightly, makes it difficult to do) and disappoint them. I don't understand why they don't JUST TURN BACK ON THE OPTION TO BLOCK THE DATES FOR 24 DANG HOURS WHILE THE SPECIAL OFFER IS PENDING. If I have to do this every time someone asks for special dates in the future...