Courtesy warning notice

Level 1
Boston, MA

Courtesy warning notice

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to know if any of you have ever received a courtesy warning NOtice from your city.  i have been hosting in my own house for 6 months and I just got this notice.  By the way, i live in Miami Fl and there is a lot of houses doing the same thing but I guess they got a complaint from a neighbor.  Miami city said that they found my listing on airbnb and that if I keep doing this I will get a penalty. 

Any advice?



3 Replies 3
Level 10
Ormstown, Canada

Check your city's bylaws. You may not be allowed to rent your place short term, less than 30 days, without a permit. To be able to run my listing I had to get a letter from my municipality with permission for short term renting, provide proof of ownership or lease, inspections and a yearly fee. Oh, and also liability insurance for $2 million.

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Monica4 Good on you Monica, so many don't attend to any form of compliance or insurance and just hope that nothing will go wrong......The only thing that would worry me a little bit is your low Liability cover. I know Canada is an entirely different ball game to the US when it comes to liability claims but I think these days when a bed in a specialist hospital can cost $30,000 + per night it would not take long to swallow up $2 million let alone ongoing claims.

Personally I would not contemplate anything under $10 million and recently I have taken the $20 Million option...the increase in premium is minimal but the peace of mind is total...

Thanks again for all the help and good advice you give Monica......cheers.....Rob

My insurance agent and I had this discussion. Two million is still enough for liability insurance in Canada but he told me six to eight million was the norm for USA. We heard that in the USA a lady won a huge settlement because she, herself, spilled a cup of hot coffee on her lap. Coffee is supposed to be hot, right? It's that kind of nonsense that makes insurance so expensive in the USA. My sister has a cottage in the USA and won't rent it to US neighbours because of the liability issue, even to US friends. Sad.