Dates blocked after cancelling an Instant Book reservation due to concerns with the the guests

Level 1
New South Wales, Australia

Dates blocked after cancelling an Instant Book reservation due to concerns with the the guests


I had to cancell an Instant Book Reservation as the guests were insisting on bringing more guests than the booking allowed for.  When cancelling, I was not given an oppurtunity to explain why the booking was cancelled, and now the dates in question are blocked in my calander.  Can someone advise how to get the dates un-blocked?


Thank you.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Honolulu, HI

@Dave58  You will have to contact ABB over this issue.  They do have 24 hour phone support. Only they can 'Unblock" your calendar. In the future, take the time to read how cancellations work before you cancel again.  But this is now something you will have to contact them about.  Also, if at anytime you are having an issue with a potential guests or in IB, call Airbnb before doing anything so they can best guide you as they could have cancelled the IB for you so this didn't happen to your calendar.  Too many hosts don't take the time to read everything they can to understand the process of being a host, and that's why these things happen.  You can call ABB , reach them via FB or Twitter via @AirbnbHelp which is how I reach them on some occasions, they are super awesome in their support.   Wish you all the best.

But remember, any time a guest is doing something they shouldn't do, contact Airbnb and FLAG THEIR MESSAGE on the message board so its been reported.

Aloha, Momi, Superhost in Hawaii  #LiveThere

If you feel that me or another host have helped you, feel free to click on the "thumbs up" button at the end of any post. Thank you so much.

Aloha, Momi

Great way to contact Airbnb or via Twitter at AirbnbHelp / Facebook