Do your guests create art to leave behind?

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

Do your guests create art to leave behind?


Greetings ~


I’ve been meaning to ask other hosts about what creative gifts their guests leave behind.




I’m always surprised at the amount of creativity people have. As an artist I know how it is - sometimes the mood strikes, and all you want to do is submerge yourself into something creative, tucked away into a comfortable corner with a creative outlet. This especially happens to me when I’m on holiday and, although I try to take a few things, inevitably there isn’t enough room in my travel bag. I suppose that’s why I set out originally with a few basics in my listing; adult colouring books, coloured pencils, chalk wall sections, even some cushions to doodle on...


But I admit I found it hard to balance what guests might like vs. the risk of mess. I prefer painting when I’m being creative, but I hardly want guests spilling paint about the place (like I do !), so I went for some safe options. So far, people are very VERY creative (especially with the pillows) and we’ve had some compliments about the options.


Recently I fell across a NZ host who had some guests leave this behind (below), which made me think about putting a “how to macrame” book in the listing, plus some squares of cut up scrap paper (I always have loads) to see if people try it.





Do you provide a creative outlet for your guests?  What do you provide? Have guests surprised you with any unexpected art?


~ Ben

14 Replies 14
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Yes. Invariably its the kids who produce the art. 


The Studio room in the house is the natural hub.

   It was my mother's creative space for her art, dance-movement workshops & therapies.

Some paper and colours still remain, as well as an assortment of objects for art and play.


The kids who have tended to be most productive have been the Oriental ones from China and especially Korea, as a few of the latter have stayed for periods of several weeks or over a month.

I keep a selection of their 'gifts', drawing and paintings.


One Korean father is in the publishing industry, and a book maker as well.

He created a 20 page book of his 4 year old daughter 'Yun in London with Alon'

[photos of our adventures in and out the house].




I would include by extension the photo & film shooters who created their art in the house.

Unfortunately, while all photographers left vowing to send me copies, not a single one did so to date.

Similarly, not a single film maker kept their promise to invite me to their screening.




Finally, I would include the musicians:


I have a friend who periodically stays, a professional violinist & viola player. (There's nothing I like more than to wake up to a Bach fugue....).

A number of her friends and colleagues have consequently stayed and practised here.


I've also had a number of other string musicians as Airbnb Guests, who are attracted to stay as they can practise in house. (One repeat guest, a renown Korean cellist, informed me its quite unusual, as he was not permitted in other Airbnbs and hotels).

Strings predominantly, cellos and guitars in addition to violins; and last year even a harpist for several month. (She is also a flautist).

  The musicians have given their CDs as gifts. 

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

Wow @Alon1 your place sounds like a proper hub of inspiration. Musicians leaving CD’s behind... that sounds amazing. You must have a great vibe at your place.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Ben551  I haven't had any guests actually create art and leave it, but one left a sweet thank you note that she had decorated. What guests have doneis leave little treasures in a small basket I have in the guest room. A pretty shell, a feather, a tiny paper with an "affirmation" written on it. 

BTW, that second photo is of origami, not macrame 🙂

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

@Sarah977 Who that sounds cool. I’m a believer that art can come in tiny packages and doesn’t have to take hours. It can be a moment in time... a breeze making a pattern in the sand... someone adding to it by arranging shells on the beach... aaand it quite possibly sounds like I’m on meds lol. I guess I’m saying it doesn’t have to be a big deal to be art.


PS: yeah wife corrected me after I posted too, saying macrame is the knot tying thing, origami is the paper folding thing... I often get em mixed up 🙂

Level 10
Florence, OR

@Ben551 I have had guests leave art for us that they created while staying in our beach cottage. Both children and adults alike. One of my favorite cards from a guest was from a five year old girl who wrote "Sorry we are leaving you, I luv you!" with flowers and hearts drawn all over it.


My most treasured piece came as a surprise gift in the mail months after the guest had stayed with us. She is a Mexican folk artist and she sent me a painting she did of my horse Blue - When she was here, she had asked me to tell me about him and how we were working to save his feet and life after he foundered; then she asked to see my favorite photo of him, which I sent her via Facebook. And later came a beautiful painted portrait of my beloved equine companion - It now hangs in a place of honor in our home. I've had guests leave origami pieces as well. I save all of these and really cherish them. If I get time I'll photograph a few and include here. Great topic!

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

@Rebecca181 What a great story! That your guest felt so inspired by your horse to create something like that is real special. I love it, thanks for sharing.


That’s one of my favourite things about an art piece. They often remind me of what I was feeling at the time I was creating... it’s like how a smell or taste inspires an old memory.  


Our 1st guest took us to the best, most authentic Mexican restaurant she found while in Seoul for a thank you dinner. Said she thought about cooking for us but decided to play it safe 🙂 She also gave me a hand-made leather bookmarker. 


Another guest actually cooked us an entire full course meal..... using her "mother's recipes" to give us a taste of her version of "family dinner". 


We also recieved a scrap book with photos of food we shared together and lots of personal notes, funny stories and observations from our 2nd guest. Another guest from last year made postcards using photos she took while in Seoul and wrote us thank you notes on them 🙂 Also, when she had friends come to Korea for vacation while she was here, she had them bring her favorite dessert to share with us. 


We are actually looking forward to meeting up with 2 former guest sometime in June or July.... apparently they will both be in Seoul for a mini-vacation. One with his new gf and the other to take a break before starting her new job! Henry and I are excited about meeting up with them both~


Overall we haven't had a lot of "artistic" guests..... I think we attract foodie types. 



@Jessica-and-Henry0  that’s awesome. You know, I reckon a lot of foodie folk would describe food as an art form. I don’t think it has to be Heston Blumenthal edible art either (though have you seen that guys liquid nitro creations?). It sounds like you’ve had some special moments with your guests 🙂

Level 10
Bergen, Norway


I once had some Russian animation artists staying and they left me some wonderful cards that I have had framed as a series and takes pride of place in the living room of our second home.  They also left a copy of a dvd they had made, an animation for children called "My Own Personal Moose" - inspired by moose traffic warning signs while driving through Finland.

Some home exchangers left me two wonderful watercolours and some Indian airbnb-guests left a piece of Indian hand loomed silk.  Unfortunately, it is still just a piece of fabric because the colours are rather garish and clash a bit with Scandinavian home decoration style.  When my creative streak re-immerses, I will attempt to tone it down by combining it with some plain coloured velvet and incorporate the silk patchwork style for a wall hanging.  That is the plan anyway.  And I do have a wall screaming for some colour. 


Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

Wow @Marit-Anne0 An animation artist staying at your place... I’d be tempted to sit down and have a cider with that kind of guest. I love animation, the old and the new. That sounds like a great piece to have, plus what a story! I would put something in your guest book about it. I have a section in mine called “weird stuff about the place” 🙂

Level 10
Covington, GA

@Ben551While not exactly art, I do have something guests draw on frequently.  In a corner of the kitchen, on the counter, sits a ridiculous figure of a very fat horse caricature.  His body is painted with chalk paint and I offer chalk in various colors to use on him.  The idea originally was for short messages to be left for guests.  However, guests always have a mind of their own and have taken to creating "artwork" on his belly.  I have absolutely hated to erase some of it because it's so cute.  I am enclosing a photo, and this particular shot shows a cartoon of a horse drawn on his belly, but I had to blow the photo up too much so it doesn't show well.  While it definitely isn't artistic, it has sure been fun to have around.
CABINPICS4 (3).jpg


Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

@Susan1404 I don’t know what I like more, the strange fat horse caricature or the guest art. I think I’m going to go with the fat horse. It is the weirdest chalk board I have ever seen.... awesome 🙂

@Ben551  It was a find at Hobby Lobby (chain store here in the U.S. that carries arts, crafts & imported home goods from everywhere).  I kept picking him up and putting him down, trying to decide if he was worth the price tag.  I think he has paid for himself. 🙂

What a great way to provide your guest with a creative outlet - many of us get so frazzled with everyday life - working, chores, racing from A-B that there seems little time left to tap into our imaginations and get creative! I like the macrame idea, and I'm thinking of leaving a box of yarns and needles (knitting seems to be an "in" thing right now)! Thought I would leave a book on how to do it too -as a hobby it seems sort of therapeutic! The click-clack of needles - might be a nice distraction for some guests!


I've decided to theme one of my properties, turning it into a proper summer pad. I've gone all in for driftwood and dreamy days in the sun! I guess I want it to have a sort of "retreat" feel. I got a few ideas from I'm wondering what I can add in there to foster a bit of creativity too!