Earning stats page wont load! :(

Earning stats page wont load! :(

Is anyone else having problems with their earnings page?  It tries to load for like 2 or 3 minutes and then displays this error message:


Error 503 first byte timeout

first byte timeout

Guru Mediation:

Details: cache-sea1050-SEA 1559009031 1817616131

Varnish cache server

37 Replies 37
Level 2
London, United Kingdom

The bug I reported previously and was told was my error, is definitely not on my side.

It is HIGHLY FRUSTRATING being told to clear my cache when I have a BSc in Computer Science and have tried this multiple times from a variety of computers and locations.

My case was closed but the problem persists!

Similarly - many others are frustrated -

see : https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Hosting/Earning-stats-page-wont-load/td-p/1036385/highlight/true...

Please deal with ASAP


Let's see  - I am sure my message will not help 😞

Level 2
San Diego, CA

I'd very much like to see this fixed.

Level 2
Claremont, CA

Still no luck. It's been more than 3 months now. I finally gave in and started doing my monthly accounting of each listing by hand, under Transaction tab. Quite a tedious task, but I have no choice.


AirBnB's bug reporting process is broken. Perhaps they are trying to roll out something new and shiny, but this is poor product development.  

Level 2
Miramar Beach, FL

I found a way...I was able to get to the earnings page on google chrome , on my iPad....by first clicking all the other tabs in the progress page and then earnings

I tried. It did not show ERROR page. I did load the earning page but no info at all. And when I choose the specific month, I can see the payment amount, but green graph still did not load. 

Level 1
Palm Desert, CA

TRY THIS! THIS WORKS FOR ME to get my earnings.

Go to "Performance Tab"

(Occupancy & rates is showing)

Click on "Visibility". Let is display.

Click on "Ratings". Let is display.

NOW click on "Earnings". You'll get your earnings total and other metrics below. The graph will take a few seconds to display.

Level 1
Toronto, Canada

I started noticing this exact issue about 3 months ago. Hopefully Airbnb will have it resolved soon- I've been resorting to a third party management app (your porter) to view my earnings. 


Different browsers (chrome, edge, explorer, firefox) and different devices (apple, android, pc, tablet).


Cleared cache, reinstalled the app, NOTHING WORKS.


The only time it RARELY works if I use my PC and Chrome, then click PERFORMANCE, then click RATINGS, wait.... pray... beg... kiss the computer... and THEN click on EARNINGS. Only then (and rarely) after waiting for what seems like hours, will my earnings load and then like 5 minutes later my graphical earnings MIGHT load...


Such a pain!