Feature request: Separate reviews for host and property

Level 2
Rijeka, Croatia

Feature request: Separate reviews for host and property

Host and property should get separate reviews.


This "overall experience" approach causes inaccurate rating, as guests are inclined to leave a positive review because the host may have gone out of their way to help the guest, regardless of the fact that the property itself is lower grade.

Guests should get a very clear picture of how the property is and, separately, how much host worked towards making their experience a positive one.


Also, very importantly, this solves one big problem AirBnB has now and that is inability to transfer administration of one property ono another admin/host.  If these were to be separated, then property reviews would go to new admin/host/owner, but not host reviews and vice-versa.


I hope we can gather enough support from hosts for this initiative so that AirBnB developers take notice.


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