Guest has paid but I still don't have their private email address, only a phone number

Level 1
United Kingdom

Guest has paid but I still don't have their private email address, only a phone number

This is my first booking, I have the guest's phone number but their email is still the encrypted Airbnb one. Is that right? I want to send them my arrival information as an attachment. Also I feel happier to know their email address hasn't been hidden for some reason. This is their first booking too.


3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Edmonton, Canada

Hi @Caroline28,


You will not get the email address of the guest and it stays encrypted.





Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

Hi Dave


Thanks very much for your reply. Now I know!


Many thanks


@Caroline28, after payment is made, you can ask your guest for his private mail. I do this for full apartment rentals, where I need to send a contract. Pictures pass after booking but pdf files are blocked by the spamfilter half the time (it's always the same contract, but half the time it does not pass, go figure).

So I explain nicely that I need it for the contract and give them mine. It's not censored after booking. However, if you wish to get phone numbers or mail addresses a bit after the stay, it's again hidden. 


(You may not need a contract, it's a legal requirement in my country. But you can still ask. They can refuse.)