

Hello there! I am trying to get in touch with someone in the airbnb system but cannot find any phone number or e-mail adress.. Why is this so difficult? I have been told that as a star host you will get quicker answers and easy access to help centre... This is not at all correct.. The only thing I find is Q&A lists with things that does not suit with my questions..

Hope that someone could help me.

In advance: thanks a lot - someone out there.. 🙂


9 Replies 9

@Eva-Annie0 - no, Superhosts do not get priority help.  Not sure how this rumor got started. 

Use the "search for anything...." box and enter "Contact Airbnb".  You will see a Community Guide to Contacting Airbnb come back in the search options.  Use that.  

You could also just ask your question here and maybe some of us could answer it for you. 

Thanks a lot - so kind of you to answer that quick! 🙂

I have several questions.. One of them:

I have now helped two of my friends signing up for airbnb hosts.
But I still did not get any payment check for this.
They both have got reservations and the guests have checked in.
I think the system is strange and not very easy to find out.. Airbnb have big and nice adverts about having us to get friends to sign up, but there is no following up to me when I have done so..
As far as I am concerned, it should be easy to send me a confirmation as soon as the new host have got a reservation?

You don't get paid in cash, you get paid in "Travel Credits"


The Search box is on each of the main community thread pages, either at the top or off to the top, right hand column.  

Could you also tell me more about how to find the "search for anything" box? I could not find this..

@Eva-Annie0   Right hand side of forum. Not sure where it is on the App.



Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Eva-Annie0 ...... @Alice-and-Jeff0 are correct, but many things that happen with Airbnb happen in riddles!!! The first hosting that the hosts that you have recommended performs, has to be over a certain dollar value for you to be elligible for the 'credit'!!!

In other words if their first hosting was for one night only and the hosting amount was....$60.00 US, you will not be elligible for that much advertised 'credit'!!!

Secondly, if you are reading this response to your question, scroll with your mouse back to the top of this page and you will see on the right hand side of the page a box which says..."Search for anything" .....Eva Annie, it's as simple as that!

Type the topic you would like information on into that box.....It may be something like, 'how do I contact Airbnb' and a list of posts that have dealt with this particular question in the past will come up.

There is a lot of useful information that you can learn from putting questions into that box and I would strongly advise you to learn as much as you can about the rules of Airbnb. If you do it will stop you from getting into a situation that you may regret!


Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Use the search function here at top of each forum. Search Contact BNB .

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