How to Report Inappropriate Content: A Community Help Guide

How to Report Inappropriate Content: A Community Help Guide



Like every open forum, Community Center too is sometimes subject to violation of guidelines by few members who could be anware of the guidelines or indiffernt to them.


To know what the guidelines state, take a look at this article: Airbnb Community Center Guidelines.


We must follow the following points and at the same time be vigilant of violators and report any content that's inappropriate.

  1. Respect each other and say thank you to encourage useful content
  2. If someone is asking for help, remember to post full answers and stay on topic
  3. Encourage Most Helpful answers
  4. Don’t threaten, personally attack others, or post hate speech
  5. Don’t threaten suicide or self-harm
  6. Don’t reveal personal information (email addresses, phone numbers, credit card details etc.)
  7. Don’t impersonate others
  8. Don’t share graphic content, nudity or pornography
  9. Don’t post advertising or spam, or violate anyone’s intellectual property rights

Q. What is Inappropriate Content?

>> Content that violates the Forum Guidelines is termed as inappropriate content. (eg. Personal threats, abusive language, private data, porn, spam etc. as stated above)


Q. How to Report Inappropriate Content?

>> Click on Options on the bottom right of a comment/post and select the last option from the menu: "Report Inappropriate Content"



Explain briefly why you think that the content is not suitable to be in the forum and submit your report to the Community Moderator by clicking on the "Notify Moderator" button.



Q. What happens when I report content?

>> The Commuity Moderators analyse your report and the content reported. Then they might make necessary changes to the reported post so that it is in compliance with the forum rules and in some cases also delete the entire content if required.


Q. Will the user whose content I reported know about who reported the content?

>> No, your identity is safe and would not be revealed under any circumstances. Your Safety and Privacy is top notch in such sensitve cases.


If you have any additional questions regarding flagging inappropriate content, please feel free to post below.


Let us strive to make the Community Center a safe place which encourages useful information and friendly atmosphere.


Happy hosting 🙂





4 Replies 4

Hello @Lizzie,


Created a new Help Guide. Please feel free to add it the Guide collection if you think it's useful and also make any required changes.


Have a great day 🙂



Thanks for this helpfull guidelines. However I would express my opinion about this. I didn't want to add oil on the condo board post fire and prefer express it here.

I'm ok with CC rules, we are expected to respect them. But I don't think we are expected to interpret them.

CC moderator like @Lizzie are the one who can do that and act accordingly. I'm speaking in a general matter, if everybody flag for everything it will be a mess. And it will devaluate any important and justified flag.

I think it's the hardest part of moderators job, we have to let them judge if something is appropriate or not. Even if I understand then can't have a look on everything.


Thanks for sharing your views here @Anonymous 🙂


I agree that we should leave upto the moderators to judge content and that is exactly what happens in this process as well. When a member reports content, it doesn't get immediately hidden but just notifies the moderators so that they can take appropriate action IF any action is necessary.


Like you mentioned, it's hard for for them to take a look at every post and hence we can make it easier by reporting bad content.


I'm glad you found the guide helpful 🙂

The reason I thought having it was important is that different people have different sensitivities. I am not affected much by negative or hard hitting feedback, nor by abuse, but there could be someone who is more sensitive and could be deeply afftected by harsh words which are mostly banned in forums. Such people might go into severe depression and could take adverse steps in the worst cases. We don't want our choice of words to affect any of our fellow hosts so badly, do we?


Another example I can give is, suppose someone posts a link to spam or malware/virus or porn or violent content, in such cases, it's always better to report such content to the Moderator so that they can act on it quickly instead of waiting for them to find it themselves in the vast list of conversations and thus save other members from getting affected by it.


Once again, thanks for expressing your opinion.


Have a nice day 🙂






Thanks for your reply. However (sorry I seems to have a 'howeverday' 😉 I understand words can hurt more than blows, if we have to know in which state of mind is our interlocutor before writing a single sentence, this would became a harder work than moderator ones.

I acknowledge the situation you evoked and the associated thread. This particular situation have been just the straw that broke the camel's back after many many posts of the same mould. And we all could see the tone being escalated since months. It's a pity but there comes a time when it's necessary to do the i's and cross the t's.

Most of the posts on the CC are about people looking for answer, solutions and if we couldn't provide any, support.
Adding personal judgment and besides asking others to disregard is just so crazy (I'm not talking about you, it's just the only words I found in english after 10 min trying to express it in the best way). Unfortunately It's not part of my skills.

Have a good day too.