I'm an on-site host but I do not provide services such as luggage assistance, transportation etc, nor do I advertise anything of the sort. I would not want guests to think that those are the sort of things they should expect from an on site host. We have lives - and often jobs - too!
My place is so convenient to get to. You basically exit the tube station and walk five minutes (or 0.3 miles) on the same road and you are there. The houses are also all numbered, unlike many places in London, and mine is pretty distinctive looking. Still, I provide additional instructions to guests to help them find it and am always available on my phone prior to their check in should they have any issues.
Still, this just isn't enough for some... I remember one young man who was arriving here late (roughly around 11pm if I recall correctly). He actually wanted me to go wait for him at night outside the tube station to walk him the five minutes to my door. I told him sorry, no, I was not going to hang around outside the station late at night waiting for him. I sent him detailed directions, including a map with the route (literally a straight line) highlighted.
So, what he did was get a young female friend to travel 45 minutes from the other side of London to come wait for him outside the station, bring him to my door, order him take out and then travel back to her home alone on the last tube. Why on earth she agreed to it I don't know, but it made me mad!