Instant Booking Not Displaying in Search Results

Level 2
Fort Worth, TX

Instant Booking Not Displaying in Search Results

I recently added my listing and established it as an "instant book" property.


However, the "Instant Book"  lightning bolt designation does NOT show up in search results, nor does it appear when clicking on the property. It has been tested on Firefox, Safari, and Chrome, both laptop and smartphone.


However, the "Instant Book" designation does appear when I'm logged in - NOT when I'm logged out. That is, when I'm logged into the Airbnb site and testing my property, the lightning bolt appears in both the search results and on the property's description page. However, when I'm not logged in, the lightning bolt NEVER appears, regardless of how my property is viewed.


If anyone has any insight into this, please let me know. Thank you.

8 Replies 8
Level 10
Florence, Canada

Okay, so no worries, actually, @Steve177. The only people who see your lightning bolt are those who you have said can see it. That is, you want certain things of your instant bookers. You will have clicked that people need to be recommended, maybe? 

Here's what is happening. I can see your lightning bolt, because I am your ideal guest :). I have recommendations and government ID, the whole nine yards. You, when you are signed out, are not your ideal guest. You wouldn't host the unsigned-in you, if you know what I mean. "That guy" doesn't have ID or recommendations. 

Instant Book only shows up to people who fall into your parameters. 

There is a further small problem. If you, when you are not signed in, are looking for your property with the Instant Book filter set to ON, you would not see your property at all. That is why I had to lower my guard, so to speak. I had to take off the requirement for government ID and recommendations if I wanted first-timers to see my listing. The Instant Book filter is (or at least has been) often a default. 

Let me know if I have been unclear, but I hope this helps. makes since now why I'm not seeing it on my listing. It because I've never used Airbnb, therefore I have no reviews about myself and I usually do a search signed out so there is no profile.



Level 10
Bergen, Norway

@Steve177  @Lawrene0

I also have the full 9 yards, still cannot see the lightening bolt on the profile.  

@Marit-Anne0, I cannot see @Steve177's lightning bolt. He wrote this post on Dec 12, so may have taken IB off in the meantime. I can see @Kimberly40's, though. Which one are you not seeing? 

(That's the problem with these dredged-up posts. Much happens in the weeks/months since they were written. Not sure how to solve it.)


Ooobs - sorry - I did not notice that the post was old.  I can see the IB symbol on @Kimberly40 's profile.

Hi Merit Anne....the reasons could be that you didn't sign in and are doing a search for your property


you are signed in but have never stayed yourself at an airbnb and therefore there is no review for you(if you have checked off that you only accept people with reviews for instant bookings) yours will not show for you.


I just had a friend who has stayed at airbnb before and has a good review. When she signed in and did a search my booking came up with the lightening bolt because of her credientials.


If you want anyone to book instantly without credientials(government ID or no reviews) you can remove that.




The only reason were that I did not notice this was an old post resurrected and that changes to profiles may have taken place.  I can see the lightening bolt on your profile perfectly well.


