Less them 24 hours before check in

Level 2
Sonoma, CA

Less them 24 hours before check in

I have guests that are coming with two kids with a total of 6 now they just told me babysitter fell through they are bringing two more. 6 is the max number for my cottage. What do you recommend.  Thank you 

6 Replies 6
Level 10
Argelès-sur-Mer, France

Hello @Elaine16 i suggest you contact airbnb - call them on the phone and explain with the situation. 

They will either liaise with your main guest to get them all to respect the correct number of people (the one on the booking, which is always equal or inferior to the max number of persons allowed as guests) or they will simply cancel the booking on behalf of the guest for airbnb regulations violation. 


Call airbnb on the phone and you are sorted. 

Level 10
Las Vegas, NV

What ended up happening? I honestly don't believe they even had a babysitter.

They arrived this evening I felt it wasnt worth it for just the evening. I met them when they arrived and told them to please respect the house it is not set up for eight and only toilet paper we are on a septic system. I agree 100% with you they never had a baby sitter. 

Level 10
Austin, TX

@Elaine16 I hope you at least charged them more. At the very least, they should be made to feel the consequences of their behavior, whether pre-meditated or not.

Hi Dede 

i did not. Seriously did not have the energy to deal with my mom has been in and out of the hospital. They left the place a messed moved everything around and didn't have the decesny to put it back said she couldn't start the dishwasher because she couldn't find the soap. Right there next to the dishwasher!? 

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Oh @Elaine16 I am so sorry to hear this. Honestly next time just call BNB. You can simply let them know your guests are breaking your house rules and leave them to deal with the cancellation.


When people are disrepectful like this they will never be good guests.


All best wishes for your Mum.